NEHAWU Statement On The World Social Work Day
Tuesday March 15, 2022
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] joins millions of workers around the world in celebrating World Social Work Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday of March.
This day is used to recognise and promote the immense contribution of social workers in building better communities through providing social services and social justice in the world. In celebrating this day, we pay respect to countless social workers, who continue to provide social service for a socially just society under difficult and trying circumstance.
As the international community celebrates social workers, NEHAWU salutes them for the sterling work done during COVID-19 pandemic. Social Workers have been part of the contingent of workers who risked their lives to provide social services to our people at the peak of the pandemic.
Social Workers have played an instrumental role in transforming our society through the provision of quality social services. These workers have given hope to our societies and the nation despite the challenges confronting them which amongst others included conditions of service and profession. They have indeed inspired confidence to the development of citizenry and creating a sustainable and active citizens for social development.
Despite the sterling work of social workers, unfortunately, these workers are not given the recognition they ought to receive and this is demonstrated in their conditions of service. Social workers are not compensated in a dignified manner and valued as critical contributors at the point of service. Hence as NEHAWU, we reaffirm our commitment to wage a relentless struggle for social workers. This will entail amongst others fighting for:
- Rural Allowance - Demand for the introduction of rural allowance for Social Service Professionals and Occupations.
- Provision of a conducive working environment and working tools including insourcing all outsourced employment services.
- Review Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) for Social Service Professional and Occupations, to promote the principles of attracting and retaining professionals to preserve this precious service in a sustainable manner for social development
- Employment of Social Workers – We will fight for the filling of vacant posts. The government must employ more social workers.
- Permanent Employment of COVID-19 contract workers
Lastly, the national union salutes social workers for their excellent contribution in the development of our society through the provision of quality social services.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Lwazi Nkolonzi (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 081 558 2335 or email: